Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Post due 10/16 Future Income Risk

When looking at my current life choices, I would say the primary factor would by my future income risk in mind. When I chose my major, Economics, I chose it because I knew there were a plethora of opportunities in a variety of markets with good salaries for my future. Obviously that is a big picture one, but even when I take supporting classes, I try to choose classes that may help me out in the future rather than taking typical blow off classes. For example, next semester I will be taking business administration classes, specifically BADM 300, business law, in order to learn about patent law and other scenarios information that may come in handy if I happen to want to start my own business. This obviously affects my future income risk because if I start a successful small business and grow, I become more financially stable with, hopefully, a larger income.

Someone I was able to watch manage his income risk would be my brother. Unfortunately, he was less inclined to work hard in school and complete school to the best of his ability. However, he is a terrible example of trying to solidify future income risk because now he has a pretty terrific job in the city working for an options exchange. There is a chance that he did in face keep his future income risk in mind when making all these decisions. Perhaps he knew that he was a brilliant kid, which he is, and he could make a lot of money without doing well and applying himself in school. Although he probably could have made more money in the future had he applied himself, he weighed his options and decided that slacking off and using the time he would have used on studying on other things was more productive for him at the time. Another option is that his future income risk was very low and he just got lucky. Anything is possible.

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